
Self-Care through Knowledge

For the majority of my life, self-help books were my only accessible source of care. I hadn't experienced a professional massage until I attended massage school, and I've navigated periods without health insurance. Recognizing the privilege required for one-on-one sessions with a practitioner like myself, I am committed to ensuring that those who may not currently have the means to see me regularly—or at all—are aware of valuable resources they can tap into during various phases of their lives.

I'm passionate about freely sharing information rather than hoarding it. If you're curious about the books that have shaped my journey, you can find a comprehensive list in my Book Highlights on Instagram @NikkiMassaj. These lists are regularly updated with each book I finish.

If I were to recommend just one book that has profoundly impacted my life, it would undoubtedly be "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza (2016). This transformative guide has illuminated blind spots, expanded my realm of possibilities, and ushered me into some of the most profound experiences of my life. It even led me to Dr. Joe’s week-long meditation retreat in Malta and its advanced follow-up in Marco Island. I share this not just as an endorsement but as an invitation for others to discover a resource that can genuinely catalyze positive change.

While my business motto centers around the idea that bodies are made to feel good, acknowledging that achieving this state can be challenging, I've compiled a list of books that have personally helped me feel a little better about various aspects of life. I hope they can offer a similar sense of improvement and solace to you. What you need to know might not always be easy to hear, but knowing is everything. Knowledge is power, no one can take it from you.